Tarakaniv fort – the hunted place
Aristocratic Tarakaniv fort (the new Dubno fortress) resembles British colonial architecture with its exquisite lines, the same flow of the outline, a great number of arcades and architectural decoration. An excellent landmark of the fortification art of the 19th century located in the suburbs of Tarakaniv village, Rivne oblast, is abandoned today, and thus is the most mystic destination in Ukraine.
Bakota – a Picturesque Destination
Bakota once used to be the capital of the whole region, the location of one of the oldest monasteries in Ukraine, later – the tragedy of thousands of people, and now it is a place where travelers will feel peace. Bakota is located in the south of the Khmelnytsky region, 55 kilometers from the city of Kamyanets-Podilsky, which is a great travel destination itself. Until 1981, there used to be a village here, from which the name of this territory comes, but now the waters…
TOP-10 thermal pools of Transcarpathia
Thermal waters in the world have been known for a long time. They are successfully used at any time of the year: for treatment, pleasure and relaxation. On the territory of Ukraine, thermal baths have just begun their triumphal march, especially in the Transcarpathian region. This is related to the tectonic structure of Transcarpathia, because here there are many faults of different depths in the earth’s crust, and surface water penetrates through the faults into the subsoil, is heated and saturated with minerals, and then…
7 Most important Ukrainian holidays and their traditions + 3 ‘weird’ Ukrainian customs
Ukraine is a diverse country with many unique and interesting traditions. Different ethnic groups and religions enriched and enhanced our culture throughout the centuries. Christianity was introduced in Kyivan Rus, the predecessor of Ukraine, in 988. Before that, our ancestors had been pagan. However, they didn’t discard pagan traditions entirely after changing their religion. It is because of this that now in many Ukrainian religious holidays, we can observe a peculiar combination of ancient pagan customs and Christian belief. In this article, we will tell…
TOP 14 Places in Western Ukraine to Celebrate the New Year 2024
New Year is a holiday that everyone is looking forward to with joy hoping for miracles, meeting new people and having great memories. All this you will find in Western Ukraine. In this article, we will show you the best places to visit in our country during New Year’s time. You can choose from our variety of New Year in Ukraine tours. We organize private as well as group tours to help our guests get to know Ukrainian culture and have fun celebrating this holiday. Where…
History of Vidviday Tour Operator: Our Road to Success
Vidviday – best tour operator of Ukraine 2020 In 2020 and 2021, according to the results of the Ukraine Tourism Awards, Vidviday Tour Operator was recognized as the best in Ukraine. The largest number of tourists voted for us, and together with the points from the jury, we took honorable first place. The road to this victory was long, 15 years. All this time we were expanding both our team and our horizons. Today, Vidviday is a large team of professionals who run tours and…
Autumn in Ukraine: Best Places to Visit in Autumn
Ukraine amazes travelers with its beauty, history, and culture. In our country, you can find numerous natural sites, from majestic mountains and lakes to impetuous waterfalls and virgin forests. You can also visit places where nature meets human civilization such as city parks and mountain villages. To help you choose places that are suitable for autumn visits, find autumn tours and decide where to go in autumn, we have prepared this article. Let’s see what are the 12 best places in Ukraine for autumn travel.
Lumshory Tanks – Spa in the Carpathians
The small village of Lumshory in the Perechyn district of the Zakarpattia region attracts travellers from different regions of Ukraine, European countries and other parts of the world. And they travel here first of all to try the ancient and unusual local tradition of rest, recovery and rejuvenation of the body. Of course, we are talking about the famous Lumshory tubs, bathing in which will give everyone a very interesting experience.