Дякую за організацію чудового відпочинку. Все сподобалось! Окрема подяка Марічці та Любомиру за їх професіоналізм. Бажа...
Дякую за організацію чудового відпочинку. Все сподобалось! Окрема подяка Марічці та Любомиру за їх професіоналізм. Бажаю вам успіху у справі котра йде точно від душі!
Дуже сподобався тур. Активно, цікаво, грамотно організовано. Окрема подяка гіду Людмилі за цікаві розповіді під час подо...
Дуже сподобався тур. Активно, цікаво, грамотно організовано. Окрема подяка гіду Людмилі за цікаві розповіді під час подорожі і турботу про кожного туриста. Хороші умови проживання в садибах, смачне харчування.
Yavoriv. Hutsul coverlet /“lizhnyk”/ making workshop
Yavoriv. Hutsuls will dress and keep warm
The picturesque Carpathian village has preserved the ancient traditions of homemade woollen coverlets (lizhnyks), and most of the residents are engaged in bedspreads making. Only in Yavoriv you can see the full cycle of the birth of a coverlet from freshly sheared sheep's wool to the finished produc...
The picturesque Carpathian village has preserved the ancient traditions of homemade woollen coverlets (lizhnyks), and most of the residents are engaged in bedspreads making. Only in Yavoriv you can see the full cycle of the birth of a coverlet from freshly sheared sheep's wool to the finished product, and then buy the freshly made product.
Get to know Ukrainian traditions and celebrate Christmas with locals in the Carpathian mountains. You will meet Hutsuls – and ethnic group of Ukrainians who still preserve their ancient traditions, visit Bukovel and see unique museums.
Get to know Ukrainian traditions and celebrate Christmas with locals in the Carpathian mountains. You will meet Hutsuls – and ethnic group of Ukrainia...
The picturesque Carpathian village has preserved the ancient traditions of homemade woollen coverlets (lizhnyks), and most of the residents are engaged in bedspreads making. Only in Yavoriv you can see the full cycle of the birth of a coverlet from freshly sheared sheep's wool to the finished product, and then buy the freshly made product.