
In this village, the Leader of the Halychian Ukraine Markiian Shashkevych spent the last years of his life; here, there is a museum to honour his memory.

In this village, the Leader of the Halychian Ukraine Markiian Shashkevych spent the last years of his life; here, there is a museum to honour his memory.

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Ціна: від 495 до 495грн

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Доступно 1 турів
Halychian Venice tour
2 відгука
1 day 10+
Ціна:495 uah
Замовити Тур

Picturesque landscapes of the Western Buh, beautiful surroudnings of M.Shashkevych, S.Karaffa-Korbut and S.Navrotskyi, the ancient Busk Більше

Доступно 1 турів
Halychian Venice tour
2 відгука

Picturesque landscapes of the Western Buh, beautiful surroudnings of M.Shashkevych, S.Karaffa-Korbut and S.Navrotskyi, the ancient Busk Більше

1 day 10+
Замовити Тур
10+ місць 2 — 10 місць Немає місць Вигляд

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