Korolivka. Optymistychna cave

The world's longest gypsum cave and the fifth longest cave. The total number of passes studied is 236km. Optymistychna consists of 10 areas that differ in structure, shape, number of crystals and shades. Plunge into the world below your feet and admire the uniqueness of these natural formations. Aft...

The world's longest gypsum cave and the fifth longest cave. The total number of passes studied is 236km. Optymistychna consists of 10 areas that differ in structure, shape, number of crystals and shades. Plunge into the world below your feet and admire the uniqueness of these natural formations. After the tour, you can enjoy freshly brewed beer and eat homemade borshch with fragrant bread.

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Optymistychna Cave
1 day 10+
Ціна:495 uah
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Explore the world's longest gypsum cave and the fifth longest cave, both incredibly beautiful and exciting. Більше

Доступно 1 турів
Optymistychna Cave

Explore the world's longest gypsum cave and the fifth longest cave, both incredibly beautiful and exciting. Більше

1 day 10+
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10+ місць 2 — 10 місць Немає місць Вигляд

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Korolivka. Optymistychna cave