Verkhnia Bilka

The former “Bilka Shliakhetska”, invites you to explore the magnificent church of St. Wojciech (1546) and now the church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin.

The former “Bilka Shliakhetska”, invites you to explore the magnificent church of St. Wojciech (1546) and now the church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin.

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Ціна: від 495 до 495грн

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Доступно 1 турів
Through Hlyniany to Univ
3 відгука
1 day 10+
Ціна:495 uah
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Ancient oaks of Khmelnitsky, paintings of Sosenko Modest, monasteries and temples, museums, miraculous icons, and landscapes of Lower Polissya and Gologory. Більше

Доступно 1 турів
Through Hlyniany to Univ
3 відгука

Ancient oaks of Khmelnitsky, paintings of Sosenko Modest, monasteries and temples, museums, miraculous icons, and landscapes of Lower Polissya and Gol... Більше

1 day 10+
Замовити Тур
10+ місць 2 — 10 місць Немає місць Вигляд

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Verkhnia Bilka