
Former "Psari" saved for us the eclectic of Rey Manor (1882), authored by the famous architect Julian Zachariewicz. It has served many different purposes since it construction. It has served as a palace, a hellhole, psychiatric hospital, student dormitory and monastery. Nonetheless, it has managed t...

Former "Psari" saved for us the eclectic of Rey Manor (1882), authored by the famous architect Julian Zachariewicz. It has served many different purposes since it construction. It has served as a palace, a hellhole, psychiatric hospital, student dormitory and monastery. Nonetheless, it has managed to keep the aura of beauty and grandeur.

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Head for Rohatyn Roxelana
1 day 2-10 0 Немає місць
Ціна:495 uah
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Visit the heart of Opillia, ancient churches and the Motherland of many patriots of Ukraine! Більше

Доступно 1 турів
Head for Rohatyn Roxelana

Visit the heart of Opillia, ancient churches and the Motherland of many patriots of Ukraine! Більше

1 day 10+
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10+ місць 2 — 10 місць Немає місць Вигляд

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